Brand Growth Strategy for a Major Pharmaceutical Company


Client Situation


•US Marketing & Sales for multi-billion brand in large primary care therapeutic category

•Multiple Therapeutic Approaches (Multi-class)

•Multiple Brand Competitors (Same Class)

•At least one generic in all classes

•Multiple OTC therapies

•Low share; warning signs of share decline


Norbridge Assignment


•Identify and evaluate growth acceleration strategies & tactics

•Integrate Brand Positioning & Messaging, Managed Markets, Sales Force and Promotion Strategies

•Market & Product Forecasts

•P&L Financial Model

•Consider in light of Life Cycle Plan




•Revised customer segmentation led to new resource allocation methodology

•Modified Sales Force Compensation System increased morale and alignment with business strategy

•Modified contracting strategy with key managed market customers (e.g., MCOs, Part D, Medicaid, etc.)

•Increase in Sales Growth rate, stabilized share